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  • Writer's pictureRusty Rose Ranch

Public Statement In Reference to Journey Tree and Allegations from Karen Goddard-Blevins

I would like to address the public Facebook post made by fellow MASCUSA member Karen Goddard-Blevins. Her post, as originally put on her Facebook profile, is shown below. 

 For those who aren’t sure what this is referencing, let me clarify.  I have been online friends with “Jules Goins”, proprietor of Journey Tree Farms, for a period of about 3 years.  There have been recent reports of abuse/neglect/criminal charges against this individual.  

I would like to clarify a few things. 

  1. I have never been anywhere near Journey Tree Farms. I am located in Texas. They are located in Alabama. 

  1. I have never met Jules Goins. 

  1. I have no knowledge of anything involving this person’s real life. They were strictly a Facebook friend. 

  1. I have had no form of partnership or business dealings with Journey Tree or Jules Goins. 

  2. I have never been accused of any form of neglect of my own animals. I have a small kennel that is run inside my house and my dogs are spoiled rotten. I will gladly provide pics and videos of my home at any time for any reason. I can provide many, many references to people who know me and my dogs and have been in my home.

I am unsure why my online friendship is being drug into a neglect allegation several hundred miles away but let me be clear: I would never knowingly be associated or involved with any form of abuse or neglect and having an online relationship with a person should not be construed as any form of personal knowledge about an individual.   I do not appreciate this harassment or attempt to assassinate my character and will categorically deny all accusations that I would ever be complicit in the neglect of any living creature. 

I am not sure what Karen is “warning” people about in reference to me, but she seems to be implying I am somehow involved in/complicit in the reports about Journey Tree. This is blatantly false and insulting.  As to her allegations of “ganging up”, I have NEVER before this incident called her out by name or even made a post referencing her. I have publicly spoken out against certain practices she participates in (she and many other breeders) but I have never targeted her. I am an opinionated person and Jules and I often espoused similar opinions on subjects. I have never been shy about my opinions. If you don't like what I have to say on Facebook, just block me. I never even had a negative online interaction with Karen so I'm unsure where her vitriol towards me is coming from. I'm sorry she disagrees with my opinions on certain things, or thinks I was somehow calling her out specifically. I wasn't, but if the shoe fits, then wear it.

I have absolutely no idea what Facebook debates have to do with abuse reports in reference to someone I've never even met, I resent the implication that I was somehow involved simply because my generic opinions hurt Karen's feelings at some point.

In an attempt to be the better person, I will not be officially bringing this to MASCUSA on harassment charges but rest assured, if any further allegations are made, I will bring to AKC as online bullying.  

I am sorry that Karen has a problem with my opinions on proper stewardship of dogs; this is a simple disagreement on animal husbandry. I’ve had these disagreements with people I am good friends with. I’m sorry that she chose to take offense at comments that were directed towards general practices.   


I have never made any public statement against her by name and I stand by that statement. If she can’t handle generic debate, I suggest staying off Facebook.  

If anyone wants more information on my stance in regards to this, please feel free to email me at I have nothing to hide.

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