Rusty Rose Ranch
Springtown, TX
Limited Registration Puppy Contract
Puppy: (Filled out after puppy is picked)
Puppy’s Litter Name:_____________________________________________________
DOB: _______________ Color: __________________________________________ Sex: ____
Registered Name:______________________________________________________
Price of Puppy: $1000 ($100 at time of deposit and $900 at pickup or sooner).
Jessica Fuller of Rusty Rose Ranch, hereafter referred to as "Breeder", agrees to enter into an agreement for the purchase and sale of a puppy hereafter referred to as “Puppy” with__________________________________, hereafter referred to as "Buyer”.
1. Buyer’s Responsibility to Health: Buyer accepts complete responsibility for the health and well-being of Puppy from the date they take possession of Puppy. Seller will provide an outline of veterinary history on the date Buyer takes possession of the puppy. Buyer agrees to continue the veterinary care from this point and will keep the dog vaccinated, dewormed, and heartworm free throughout its lifespan.
2.Use of Kennel Name: Buyer agrees to use Rusty Rose as the prefix for the dog’s registered name and to never remove this portion of the name. This applies to any and all registries Puppy is registered with at any time in their life.
3. Registration status. This puppy is being sold with limited registration. Buyer is not purchasing the rights to breed Puppy. Buyer agrees to pay $3000 to the seller for every litter found to be produced by Puppy whether by accident or on purpose while Puppy has Limited Registration. Should this litter be the result of a breeding with a poodle or poodle mix of any kind (aussiedoodle, etc), there will be an additional fee of $5000. If the Buyer wishes to get full breeding rights later in life, and if Breeder agrees to this at the time, the cost will be an additional $500. Breeder is not obligated to agree to this change in registration status. The choice is at the Breeder’s discretion.
4.Registries. Registration will be provided with American Kennel Club. This litter is registered as Foundation Stock Service Miniature American Shepherd. Price of registration is included in price of Puppy and paperwork will be filled out at pickup. Original copy will be submitted to AKC by Breeder to ensure Puppy’s registration is complete. It is important to us that every puppy we produce is registered with AKC. Buyer will be provided with a copy of this paperwork. Registration applications for The United Kennel Club (as a miniature American Shepherd) and The American Stock Dog Registry (as an Australian Shepherd) will also be provided. Breeder does not cover the cost of these additional registrations.
5. Spay/Neuter policy. Breeder does not require sterilization of their dogs as they believe this to a personal choice and there is conflicting research on the benefits of such. Buyer may leave Puppy intact indefinitely or choose to sterilize with the following understanding:
Buyer assumes all risk and responsibility inherent to the owning of hormonally intact dogs including proper containment and management.
Buyer agrees to prevent any accidental breeding
Buyer understands there are certain behavioral traits common to intact dogs including but not limited to marking behavior, tendency to roam property, damage to home due to females in estrus, mild to moderate same sex aggression, etc
Buyer understands that certain health issues including but not limited to mammary cancer, uterine cancer and testicular cancer are more common in intact animals
Buyer understands that the Breeder does not advocate for traditional castration or ovariohysterectomy in dogs under 18 months of age. Desexing at this age has been linked to several behavioral changes and health risks including but not limited to increased general aggression/reactivity, decrease in working/sporting drive, increased weight, higher chance of incontinence, higher risk of bone/joint injuries and disorders, higher risk of bone cancer, and changes to structure/conformation which may reduce breed type or correctness.
Buyer understands that the Breeder’s health guarantee will be voided completely if Puppy is traditionally desexed prior to 12 months of age. Hormone-retaining sterilization such as vasectomy and ovary-sparing spay may be performed at any age without affecting said guarantee.
6. Breeder’s Health Guarantee. Breeder makes the following guarantees. Puppy is in basic good health at time the Buyer takes possession. Puppy has been evaluated by a licensed veterinarian prior to change of ownership
Puppy will have been properly wormed and received initial vaccinations. Documentation of such shall accompany Puppy.
72 Hour Initial Health Guarantee. Buyer agrees to have Puppy evaluated by their own licensed veterinarian within 72 hours at their own expense. Should Puppy be found to be in poor health or to have a covered defect, Buyer must provide written documentation in regard to said issue detailing both the defect and the veterinarian’s belief that the issue was present prior to Buyer taking possession of Puppy. In this situation, Breeder reserves the right to have their own veterinarian exam the pup at Breeder’s expense and that veterinarian’s opinion shall be considered final. If Puppy is agreed to have been in poor health prior to Buyer taking possession, Puppy may be returned to the breeder for the purchase price minus the deposit. It is the Buyer’s responsibility to provide transportation back to the breeder at their own expense.Should puppy become deceased, Breeder may require a necropsy prior to offering a refund. No refunds will be given for puppies that pass after 72 hours or who were not examined by a veterinarian during the 72hr time frame. 72 hour guarantee does not cover any form of parasites as these are common in puppies and cannot be guaranteed to be completely eliminated in a given puppy. It does not cover injury or illness resulting from the Buyer’s negligence, living conditions, or choice to take the puppy out in public prior to completion of vaccinations. It does not cover contraction of parvovirus or other infectious diseases that present more than 72hours after Buyer takes possession
Congenital Defect Guarantee. This guarantee covers congenital issues discovered more than 72 hours after Buyer takes possession of puppy. No cash refund will be offered for these defects, but Buyer will be provided another puppy from the soonest available litter. Duration of coverage is up to 12 months of age. No issues discovered after 12 months of age are covered by this guarantee. Documentation from vet must indicate that issue is clearly present from birth and not caused by injury or poor management. Vet must indicate that issue actively affects the animal's quality of life. Non-passing OFA tests do not in and of themselves indicate a congenital defect or presence of dysplasia. Breeder reserves the right to have Puppy examined by their own vet. Exceptions to Congenital Defect Guarantee include MDR1 and HSF4. MDR1 is present in our breeding dogs and Puppy may be affected. It is Breeder’s recommendation that Puppy be treated as MDR1 affected regardless of genetic testing status as reactions have been documented in dogs who do not test positive for this gene.The HC/HSF4/Juvenile Cataracts gene is also present in our lines.
7.Other items that are not guaranteed by this contract include OFA, CAER or Pennhip results of any type, adult height (Puppy may or may not end up within the definition of a “miniature’ Australian shepherd and may/may not fall within the allowed height range set within the AKC Miniature American Shepherd breed standard), scissors/level bite, eye color, ear set, or ability to be successful in a particular sport or working activity. Breeder makes no guarantee that any DNA Breed-ID test will state this dog is "100 % australian shepherd" or "100% miniature american shepherd". These tests are not 100% reliable in Breeder's opinion and the breed is early enough in development that results may show a combination of foundation breeds.
8.Rehoming Clause: Buyer agrees that Puppy will never be relinquished to any shelter, rescue, or other organization. Should Buyer be found in violation of this clause, they will be subject to a penalty of $2000. Breeder agrees to accept return of Puppy at any point in Puppy’s life. There will be no refund other than as covered above in the Health Guarantee. Buyer is responsible for all travel/shipping expenses. Buyer reserves the right to sell this dog privately but Breeder must be offered first right of refusal at a fair market value. Failure to honor this clause will incur a $1000 penalty.
9. Tail docking. All dogs are sold with intact tails. Buyer acknowledges that herding cattle with a tail poses a very slightly higher risk of injury vs having a docked tail. Buyer agrees to never surgically alter the tail for any other reason that isn’t deemed medically necessary by a vet. Docking to prevent future possible injury while herding is not considered medically necessary for the purposes of this contract. Docking must be recommended by a vet to treat a present injury or condition. Violation of this clause will incur a $3000 penalty.
Buyer’s Signature and Date
Seller’s signature and date