I think all of us are glad to see MASCUSA taking a stand against bullying, both online and in person. I will copy their complete stance at the bottom of this message for those who care to read it.
First let me say that I completely support this statement. I wish this had been in place when I was new and had a “platinum breeder of merit” sending me 20 minute voice messages on my Facebook trashing my dogs. I wish it had been in place with a “village elder” stole my dog’s photo for her critique group and when called on it, stated that my beloved PUPPY “looked like a poorly bred border collie”. I wish it had been in place with the same elder made a social media statement indicating that all the sport people need to leave AKC and “form their own club with their own nationals”.
With that said though, the sword cuts 2 ways. I sincerely hope this will be used for it’s intended purpose and not as a way to “witch hunt”. At what point does a statement become “bullying” vs simply expressing one’s opinion’s that others may disagree with? Will this be used by the “Mean Girl” crowd as another tool in their arsenal to harass those of us with a different vision of the breed? “So and so stated she doesn’t like what’s winning in the show ring, I’m offended, I feel bullied!” And boom, a member gets disciplined for simply having an unpopular opinion. I don’t want to see that happen.
Now, I will say that I do have faith in the current leadership of MASCUSA and I don’t see that happening with the current people in power, but it’s a valid concern.
For what it’s worth, here’s my take. “Bullying” is a statement that is personal in nature, made from one person towards a specific person or group and which includes harmful/hurtful language.
Generically stating, “I’m not fond of the structure being produced by the sport community” isn’t bullying. “You sport people need to leave and go form your own club” IS bullying. “I don’t care for your dog’s structure because I feel they lack breed type” isn’t bullying. “Your dog looks like a poorly bred border collie” IS bullying. As an opinionated person, I myself will be taking a closer look at how I word things going forward to make sure that nothing I say may be misconstrued as bullying and I hope others will do the same.
The MASCUSA Board of Directors actively uphold the right of every individual and group within our
community to be treated with dignity and respect.
We are committed to creating a secure, welcoming, and friendly environment that is free from
unsportsmanlike behavior – including discrimination, incivility, bullying, and any form of verbal or
emotional abuse. All forms of bullying and harassment are thus not tolerated.
The MASCUSA Board of Directors want to expressly affirm our commitment to zero tolerance of
unsportsmanlike behavior or communications, whether done in person, electronically or on social media.
Zero tolerance means that we will not tolerate, condone or ignore bullying or harassment of any kind
directed towards fellow competitors, breeders, members, volunteers or other persons.
The board would like to remind all members that they may be held accountable for their verbal or
written words and actions should they be determined to be against the AKC’s Code of Sportsmanship or
MASCUSA’s Code of Ethics. The board will take unsportsmanlike conduct and speech seriously and
take action against violations. These actions may lead to discipline from the club or may lead to a bench
committee hearing if done during a show.
Many MASCUSA members are passionate about their beliefs and emotions may be heightened when
discussing these opinions with others. Our differences are inevitable, but they also make us stronger. In
our community, we should strive to discuss and debate topics related to our breed with respect for one
another. All members should treat others fairly, with courtesy and consideration.
MASCUSA Board of Directors
Approved: October 23, 2023